Sunday, March 21, 2010

Finally, some pictures...

I've been on a roll, painting in every spare moment lately. I've been so busy with that and other things that I haven't had any time to post. As a result of this streak of inspiration, I have lots and lots of artwork to post on here, I'm so excited! I used my regular digital camera to take these pictures, so they're not the best, but they'll do! *Please keep in mind that although in the pictures, these pieces might look flat, they are actually 3-dimensionally raised, because of the thickness of the paint used. It is impossible to get the full effect in a photograph.

This is 'Serpent', which is acrylic paint on 1/4 of a piece of regular 8 1/2 x 11 computer paper.

This piece is called 'Connections', which is also acrylic on 1/4 of a piece of regular computer paper.

'Celestial', which is one of my favorite pieces so far. Acrylic paint on an 8'x10' canvas.

This is a piece which I made for my grandmother; she has blue & white china in a pattern similar to the background on this painting. She also loves chickens, so I made her one! Sure, it's abstract and looks more like a chimera, but she's going to love it! (I completely forgot to give it to her last time I visited... Ooops! >.>) It's called 'China', for obvious reasons. Acrylic on an 8'x10' canvas.

I haven't figured out a name for this painting yet, which makes me feel rather guilty, to be honest. But then again, I always have had to have a name for everything before I could invest myself in it. Not one of my favorites due to the colors and the busyness, but I do like the way the swirls came out. Acrylic on an 8'x10' canvas.

After I finished this one, I looked at it and instantly thought, 'This is like something from The Hobbit!' Thus, it was dubbed 'Mirkwood'. Unfortunately, it was only supposed to be an experiment, so the glossy paper the acrylic paint is on is ensuring that it slowly crumbles. I'm going to transfer it to a more stable surface, disassembling it and then piecing it back together. It should be awesome once it's done.

'Flee' is acrylic on paper made for acrylic paint. I was so excited when I found this paper, because it's soooo much cheaper than canvas, and the paint goes on just as well, if not better. It's completely black & white, but the flash of my camera made some parts look a little brownish. :(

And finally, a piece I did around the same time as 'Faces', entitled 'Down'. It's a simple painting, but I love it, it's one of my favorites.

And that's all for now! With a sale on paint that I spotted in the paper, and a whole pad full of acrylic paper, there will always be more to come! ^_^

Friday, February 19, 2010

Hello, world.

Hi there! I'm Bondi, and I'm an artist. Well, at least I'm trying to be. It seems like the world doesn't want to think of anyone as anything unless they're selling whatever it is that they do.

See, I've been told my whole entire life that to be successful in the world you have to do one thing: make some money. And not just any amount of money, ohhhh no. Lots of money, enough money to be able to pay people to like you/sleep with you/do basically anything you could imagine.

I say fuck that.

You see, I know people who have high-paying jobs, people who make more in a month than my family makes in a year. But not one of them is happy. It's a complete cliche that 'money can't buy happiness', but it's true.

So, I want to be happy. That is my life goal. I'm hoping that that won't disappear as I get older, that I always hold onto this one little thing.

In case you're wondering, at the moment, I'm not happy. My life is pretty screwed up right now, and I try to stay positive... Sometimes all the negative gets twisted around me and I can't wriggle out of its grasp without the help of some close friends, chocolate, and James Bond movies. Because James Bond is cheezy and ridiculous, and I love every single second of it.

Anyway, back to the point! (I get sidetracked a lot) I'm an artist. Mixed media is my chosen art form, mainly using acrylic paint and recycled materials (boxes, cans, etc.) I love the effect that swirling different colors of paint gives. This is one of my pieces, which is entitled 'Faces'. It was created from cardboard boxes, acrylic paint, and newspaper. Please ignore the badly Photoshopped-out background. I had to take the picture with the piece leaning against a chair, and it looked rather more horrible without the black around it.

And here's a close-up of the swirled paint. I dubbed this piece 'Faces', because if you rotate the piece, different faces seem to appear in the paint.

I haven't been creating for very long (maybe 4 months tops), but I love what I do. The unconventionality, the feel of the paint, the sound of crinkling foil... Art is like a drug to me. It calms, soothes, drives away the rest of the world. I have a few more pieces that I'm working on at the moment which I hope to complete soon. Check back to this blog for random ramblings and art.

- Bondi

I've never believed in God, but I believe in Picasso.
::: Diego Rivera :::